Anti-Autocracy Movement

Autocracy in America –  A Warning and A Response Conference Banner

Leading thinkers and hundreds of Americans from across the ideological spectrum came together for a day-long summit, Autocracy in America: A Warning and A Response to address the urgent need to focus on the autocratic threat to our nation. We are all motivated by our shared confidence in the American experiment, and in the capacity of the American people, to transcend this challenge as they have transcended others throughout history.

The event was co-hosted by: State Democracy Defenders Action, Principles First, Democracy Forward, and The American Autocracy Threat Tracker, in partnership with convening co-chairs Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Ty Cobb, Norm Eisen, Bill Kristol, Heath Mayo, and Skye Perryman.

Coming out of the conference, co-hosts, partners and others have signed on to 10 principles that guide out shared cross-partisan alternative vision of where we want to take our country in 2025 and beyond. View the Freedom 2025 – 10 Principles.

Welcome from the Co-Chairs

Co-chairs Heath Mayo of Principles First and Skye Perryman of Democracy Forward joined Norm Eisen, co-founder of State Democracy Defenders Action, for opening remarks.

The Threat is Real

Ruth Ben-Ghiat moderated a discussion with Charlie Dent, George Conway, Asha Rangappa and Maya Wiley on the seriousness of the threat facing our democracy.

Experiencing the Threat Firsthand

Join us as Heath Mayo, founder of Principles First, moderates a panel of former insiders including John Dean, Sarah Matthews and Olivia Troye for their firsthand experiences.

Answering the Alarm: Immediate Responses to America

Join Bill Kristol as he moderates a discussion with Attorney General Keith Ellison, Joanna Lyndgate and Sarah Longwell on the threat and possible responses.

Looking Over the Horizon: Addressing American Autocracy Longer Term

Join SDDA co-founder Norm Eisen as he moderates a discussion on longer term responses with Dahlia Lithwick, Jen Rubin and Bob Kagan.

It Can Happen Here

Join Skye Perryman as she moderates an important discussion with Rev. Paul Raushenbush, Dr. Norm Ornstein and Heather McGhee.

Going on the Offense Against Autocracy

Join Allegra Lawrence-Hardy as she moderates an important discussion with Danya Perry, Attorney General Matt Platkin and Judge Nancy Gertner.

About the Conference

The conference took place Tuesday, July 23 at New York University.

View the post-conference press release.

Co-sponsors: State Democracy Defenders Action, Principles First, Democracy Forward, The American Autocracy Threat Tracker

Co-chairs: Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Ty Cobb, Norm Eisen, Bill Kristol, Heath Mayo, Skye Perryman

Confirmed Speakers: George Conway, John Dean, Charlie Dent, Geoff Duncan, Keith Ellison, David Frum, Nancy Gertner, Alyssa Farah Griffin, Bob Kagan, Dahlia Lithwick, Sarah Longwell, J. Michael Luttig, Joanna Lydgate, Sarah Matthews, Norm Ornstein, Danya Perry, Skye Perryman, Matthew Platkin, Asha Rangappa, Jen Rubin, Olivia Troye, Steve Vladeck, Joe Walsh, Maya Wiley